Astrology of Place.

Want to know where to find love, feel at home, heal your wounds, focus on career, start a family? Interested in knowing why you’re intuitively drawn to some places and not others? Curious how you feel amazing in one location but completely stuck in another? Your map has the answers.

Every place has a specific energy and story unique to you and your natal chart.

  • Astrocartography Initial Reading

    We will look at up to 5 places on your personal astrocartography map that you would like to explore. These can include a combination of: where you were born/ where you grew up, where you’ve lived in the past, where you currently live, places you feel drawn to, places you’re interested in visiting or relocating to, locations for career, healing, home, family, focus, or love. In our reading we’ll explore your ACG lines, parans, relocated charts, and local space lines. This session does not include timing.

  • Astrocartography Follow-Up + Timing Session

    In this session we can look at up to 5 places you’re considering visiting or moving to + timing for those places. We will look at supportive and challenging times to consider being there as well as what life themes might be activated at certain times.

“So much of who we are, is where we have been.”

― William Langewiesche